For companies that uncover fraud the ramifications can be huge but we are here to help you decide on the right course of action and assist you in navigating any regulatory requirements that need to be put in place. Our serious crime solicitors can also advise on the possibility of taking a private prosecution, where appropriate.
Our expertise also extends to being able to offer practical help and solutions for companies that are suffering as a result of the financial crime.
We also have extensive experience in helping to defend clients facing allegations of fraud and financial crime. We have successfully defended many high profile cases and helped prevent clients who have been arrested from ever facing trial.
Fraud and financial crime often attract unwanted press interest. Nexus Legal Partners offers a unique reputation management service free of charge where our in-house media consultant will help prevent or limit the damage from any potential coverage from news outlets. This underlines our commitment to offering you the fullest and best possible service.
Nexus Legal Partners Financial Law